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New Zealand


Building Great organisations 

Development Mechanics works with profit led and Purpose driven Businesses, Not-for-profits / Third sector, public or private institutions. Working with Governance and operations, systems, processes, culture and people. We build capacity and capability to show measurable results in strategy, tactics and efficacy, leaving lasting results. 
                                                                                                              Engagement and Participation

Excellent engagement and increased participation is the beginning of any sustainable, successful and worth while change or development. Asking the correct questions, being clear about what is being said, how it is being said and how that information will inform the decisions and outcomes for those involved is key to building trust, increasing collaboration and the likelihood of change. Participation is the activity that makes things real, the more participation the more sustainable and effect change or development is likely to be.


What is happening and how it happens in Organisations and wider complex social systems is important for us all for different reasons. Knowledge can be specific to a few or applicable to many. Finding out more about why and how things happen helps us apply techniques that will support development and change. The research Development Mechanics is involved with looks to increase change and support positive development in organisations and wider complex social systems. It does this by using the best qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches that enable better understanding to be weaved into purpose and action.

Social Innovation and Social Enterprise

Finding better solutions for the issues we face rather than the ones we are currently presented with is at the heart of Development Mechanics. Innovation, Enterprise and creative thinking are a hope for social change and sustained development. Creating environments where these ideas can be shared, synergies can be found, and collaborations made is a function of Devmech's activities. Multi-disciplinary approaches, and an Entrepreneurial spirit help to change the language and make common goals more accessible, increasing participation and the responsibility for the social change and development that is needed to be shared across our wider society. 

Analysis and Data use

How data is analysed and applied is powerful. Whether it be subject or objective, micro or macro, The application of data and its correct use can provide strategic and tactical insight to any situation. Development Mechanics champions the utilisation of Data for decisions to support development and change.

Thinking Policy

The Social change and development that takes place at a local level must be complimented by how Government thinks and acts when looking to tackle our acute social problems in a complimentary way. Development Mechanics looks to work with some of the sharpest minds in independent social and economic policy debate to recommend new ways of doing and thinking to tackle our most acute social and environmental problems.